Our most recent ChathamRecycles column in the Cape Cod Chronicle championed tap water as a better choice than bottled water.
While we still feel strongly that tap water is the better option for many reasons, please note 2 addendums:
1) Chatham's municipal water does not contain fluoride.
2) At the same time our column ran, an Associated Press article revealed that pharmaceuticals had been found in some municipal drinking water. Procter and Gamble, in response to our query, said their Pur filters may filter out some of these, but cannot guarantee; and Chatham's Water and Sewer Dept. Director William Redfield recommended in today's Chronicle that residents throw leftover medicines in the trash, not in the sewer system. Until we can test and treat for these contaminants, these are good ideas!
Great post -- and thanks for the clarification. I had heard that some in town were pushing for fluoridation in Chatham's water. Is that true?
I've heard that a member or 2 on the Board of Health would like to see it.
I also want to make it clear that when I said "found in some municipal
water," I did NOT mean some of Chatham's water. It was in
several other cities around the country, and the concentration was VERY small.
The Board of Health has generally discussed the fluordation of the Towns water supply. Dr. Justin Rivers, BOH member and local dentist is supportive of it. At this time we have not come to any decisions as to promote it or not. As you know it is a controversial subject. However we are supportive of local activities to provide fluoride treatments to those in need in the schools. The subject remains on the BOH action list for discussions in the future.
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