Thursday, July 3, 2008

Band Concert Recycles!

If you haven't seen the new recycling containers at Kate Gould Park in the center of town, check them out! Plastic, aluminum AND glass. Very cool. Thanks, Chatham, Jeff, Dan, Dave, Steve, Kevin, Nick, and all! We know it will mean more work for you and we're very grateful.


bob said...

Really great news. Nice to see some truly tangible results as a by-product of the hard work!

PFehlig said...

Since band concert season is
over, four public recycling containers are now at locations along Main Street in the downtown
area. They will remain there through
First Night. PLEASE USE THEM RESPONSIBLY. Throwing trash, dirty
diapers, dog waste and any other
clearly non-intended items creates
chaos for our hard-working town staff and jeopardizes the entire effort.