"Can I recycle this?…Where does that go?…Can anyone reuse these?…"
When it comes to recycling, there's no such thing as a silly question. Send yours to: Here are a few we hear often:
Q: Where do plastics #1 not in bottle or jar form go, like takeout food trays?
A: Plastics #3 thru 7 bin (don't ask). But no styrofoam please!
Q: Brown paper bags?
A: Corrugated Cardboard.
Q: Corrugated cardboard covered with colored paper okay?
A: Yes.
Q: Pizza boxes?
A: Corrugated Cardboard, as long as there's little or no oil, cheese or sauce inside. (no wax paper liner please)
Q: Used aluminum foil?
A: Aluminum and Tin Cans bin (relatively clean )
Q: Cat litter?
A: Trash, but consider the more eco-friendly Feline Pine or Trader Joe's Pine Cat Litter (some claim it can be mulch after solids removed)
Q: Motor oil container?
A: Trash (due to inevitable remaining oil)
Q: Metal bottle caps?
A: Aluminum and Tin Cans bin
Q: Wire hangers?
A: Metal Objects bin - or Princess Cleaners (good condition only) Rte. 28 and George Ryder Rd.
Q: Plastic bags?
A: Area supermarkets (clean, dry)
Q: Plastic flower pots?
A: Plastics #3 thru 7 (relatively clean)
Q: Styrofoam peanuts & bubble wrap?
A: UPS Store East Harwich, Barn Hill Pottery, Chatham Pottery (clean only)
Finally, a few comments from your Chatham Recycling Center workers:
*PLEASE READ the signs. If you're still not sure, PLEASE ASK.
*Metal Objects bin: small objects only, no electrical items. (Most go to other area at no charge. Please ask at entrance.)
*Please understand that the magazine table had to be removed due to budget cuts and man hours required to tend to it. Please continue to recycle your magazines.
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