Introducing "Cape Crusader" and Recycling Partner - Milley Trucking!
And we thought WE had been recycling for a long time. When Tim Milley's
great uncle started in the hauling business, the company immediately
began recycling - in 1928! Ashes for the garden, kitchen scraps for the
livestock, and eventually scrap metals in 1945 when Tim's father took over.
Recycling continued when Tim purchased the company in 1978 and expanded
in 1990 to include glass, tin cans, newspaper, cardboard, paper,
and plastic for his commercial customers.
The company also serves Chatham Public Schools and the three schools'
recycling programs.
In 2010 Milley began providing dual-stream recycling to his residential customers
via a separate truck operating on different days from the trash pick-ups.
Stream #1 is plastic, glass and metal; stream #2 is mixed fibers: paper and junk mail.
"Recycling is a very costly and labor intensive endeavor and I have been trying for more
than 20 years to make it feasible," says Milley. "Since 1990 we have recycled approximately
3,500 tons of material that never went to the Chatham Transfer Station."
To his current customers, Tim Milley says please make recyclables as clean as possible.
Dirty and/or food-laden items can contaminate a load and risk refusal by the purchaser.
We know it takes time, energy, money and extra manpower, and we salute Milley Trucking
for their commitment to recycling! In the end, it keeps many items from the waste stream;
saves natural resources used to manufacture brand new items; and eventually reduces
costly dumping fees for Milley Trucking and for the Town of Chatham.
Milley Trucking, another Cape Crusader!
Milley Trucking (508) 945-0725
Visit us on Facebook tooPaulette Fehlig
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