Friday, September 30, 2011

Cape Cod Chronicle Column May 26, 2011


Whether you're on vacation, heading to your own neighborhood beach, planning a backyard bar-b-que or going camping, don't forget to pack your manners...for Mother Nature! A few helpful hints for eco-friendly outdoor festivities:

*Set out a labeled bag/bin to collect recyclables at your picnic, party, or campsite, and encourage friends/guests to use it.

*Bring food and beverages in recyclable or reusable packaging. (More beverages in aluminum cans and plastic bottles are consumed between now and Labor Day than any other time of year.)

*Use a backback or beach bag to carry out your recyclables.

*If possible, bring plates, glasses, napkins, dinnerware and tablecloths that can be washed and reused. (These days even many plastic plates, cups and utensils can go in your dishwasher.)

*If you simply can't give up your paper plates, napkins & cups, at least buy those that have more than 50% post-consumer content.

* In Chatham, look for recycling bins alongside the Big Belly solar-powered trash containers around town.

*And have a wonderful, safe, GREEN summer!

Thanks again to all who made ChathamRecycles' 4th Annual RecycleFest a big success!

Visit us on Facebook too.

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